Family BioCrest (2017)
Family BioCrest (2017).
Conceived by:
Kathy High and William DePaolo, Center for Microbiome Sciences and Therapeutics (CMiST), School of Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle
Graphic Design:
Diane Bertolo
Thanks to the DePaolo Lab/CMiST, the Coalesce Center for Biological Art/University of Buffalo (Paul Vanouse and Solon Morse), and the Kenneth Rainin Foundation for their support of this project.
Family BioCrest (2017)
Ongoing research on shared micro-ecologies among family members
Family Bio-Crests is a project researching the micro-organisms that inhabit our gut. This project asks whether family members share similar gut microbes because they share a living space – thus possibly giving families a particular gut microbe profile.
Fecal samples were taken from families, including partners/spouses, children, parents, pets, and cultured and analyzed at a science laboratory. Similarities between each individual’s bacterial/fungal profiles determined the signature crest of each family. How much do we really share?